In Ephesians, Paul communicates uniquely to the Church, by inspiration of our Lord, he recorded many prayers for them. In Chapters 1 & 3:
- That the Lord would give you a spirit of revelation to know Him better
- That the eyes of their heart might be enlightened to know the hope to which we are called
- The riches of His glorious inheritance
- His incomparable great power to those who believe
- That He may strengthen us with power through His Spirit
- That Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith
- That they be rooted & established in love
- Filled to the measure of all the fullness of God
We know that You are Almighty God, that You never fail. You are always there. You saved & sanctify us. You give us victory. You give Your favor in all areas of our lives. You direct our paths & protect us. You turn our lives into dancing. Thank You Lord, thank You for all the miracles You have done: in us, through us, and in our communities. You are awesome – there is none like You; we worship You! We are Your sons & daughters. We love and worship You!
LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYERS: Please bless HTI with…
- More growth in the HTI movement to know You and experience Your Presence
- Cause people to come to the HTI Churches & that the people would be born again
- More disciples craving for Your Presence in every Church & Region
- Continue to bless HTI with every kind of blessing to each of Your followers
- That You would hear & answer each HTI Member’s needs & cries to You
- Hearts be softened & opened to respond to the Lord’s calling
- More transformations in people, Churches & communities
- More resources to advance Your Kingdom through HTI
- Urge us to continuously share our testimonies as to all You are doing in our lives
- Revival breakout in every HTI Church
- Strengthen, empower and protect our HTI Leaders & their families
- Protection & smooth travel for the HTI Leaders & Participants to the Conferences
- That we would daily be led by the Spirit
- More people would be blessed to know the hope to which we are called
- More Pastors & Churches would be ignited in Your movement through HTI
CHALLENGE: Let us worship our Lord & share theserequests with Him every Tuesday, whether alone or in a group! TUESDAY is our HTI Concert of Prayer Day – please join us! (If you feel called to pray more often – great! Daily – SUPER!!) Let’s all join together on Tuesdays to raise these requests in an International Concert of Prayer.