This is an illustration of what takes place in a person’s life once becoming saved. The Lord is challenging us to become holy and perfect, just as Jesus is. Holines is a 10 (on a scale of 1-10). At the cross on the lower left of the illustration, a person goes on the journey of becoming holy. This is a dotted line. We are drawn by others within the church to grow up spiritually. But there is a particular point when we choose to follow man and their righteousness or follow the Lord as Peters and Paul did. They quickly moved towards being in a holiness zone. They had some ups and downs, but always confessed & repented, therefore staying in the holiness zone, having His power. The normal person travels this dashed line and becomes very similar to the most upright person within the church. As people stay focused on this person, they continue to move along in mediocrity because they have taken their eyes off of being “just like Jesus” (John 14:12). Anyone in this group/church can break out from the mediocrity if they choose to be like Jesus. If one doesn’t break out, one becomes blind to their personal spiritual health and justify that one’s present maturity is being holy. The enemy will have fooled you. You will think that you are holy, but in reality you are lukewarm.
Therefore, be transformed into the likeness of Jesus and live a holy & blameless life!
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We lead & Train Community Pastors/Leaders in:
- Creating a new awareness & enhanced Biblical World View
- Sin Patterns
- God’s Presence needed Daily
- God’s Power in and through them
- Intimate Relationship with Hi
- Daily Kingdom Living and what it
- Revival: being personally Saturated with the Presence of God
- Experiencing radical Transformation
- Sharing their Transformation: giving Testimony of how God is radically moving in their lives
- Becoming Masters of Walking in the Light
- Able to teach & lead others to
culture changing Transformation - Using The School of Transforming
- Able to teach & lead others to
- Igniting this God-movement with their congregations through Sermons,Bible Studies, Small Groups,
Counseling…- What being Saturated with the
Presence of God means - Experiencing radical Transformation
- Everyone involved is giving Testimony
about what He has done in and through them
- What being Saturated with the
- Sharing this overflowing of fullness & power so others are drawn to
thi move of God throughout the community - Training on how to share the Gospel
- Community & Cultural Transformation