Dave Palmer:
“I have a greater awareness and ability to hear the voice of God and anticipate my need for Him. My inadequacies are just not that important.”
“This is a process and journey, not a program. His presence rules my life. There is freedom to grow and listen intently and do what I didn’t expect.”
“HT will develop a spiritual fiber to make the church a vital entity, not 2 days a week but 7 days a week with the revelation of Jesus in our lives.”
“What stands out to me is how important the heart is to God”
“This has changed the way I look at my life – being a husband, father, business man. I am passionate about my family goals and responsibilities.”
“The process has been instrumental in bringing my wife to Christ. The person I love most is now alongside me.”
Scott Forsyth:
“I used to think I was a more spiritual person by what I did. I have seen how selfish I am, how I manipulate God. I now desire to serve my wife and family. God is intimately involved in every detail of my life. The result is His peace and presence.”
John Z.:
“I have a deeper sense of freedom in my relationship with God. There is a yearning. HT is no quick fix, rather a journey of spiritual formation. There is humility and grace. People are becoming like Jesus.”
“We are taking every thought captive, demolishing strongholds. It’s as if there was this standoff, strongholds of the enemy. Through HT, people are gaining victory in areas of strongholds and sin. There is an unleashing of the Spirit’s freedom. We are dealing with sin and loving God more. He is changing us!”
David Wraight:
“I now have deeper intimacy with Christ. I was living for Jesus vs. Jesus living through me. We are seeing significant change in our leadership – leaders confessing publicly, brokenness, renewal, and a new level of integrity.”
Gregg Brown:
“I was a surface believer. I went to church but wasn’t deep with God. I had bitterness issues. Now I have a completely different life of Kingdom Building and Kingdom Living. It has changed my way of life. HT dug out the bitterness with my father. I trust God fully and want to glorify Him with a passion. HT is a tool to do that. I want to share it at work, with my family and friends. The miracles are amazing. We need to deal with hearts in order to help people.
Paul Stanley, Jr.:
“God wants my heart. Every day I ask myself, “who owns my heart?” The battle for the heart rages. I was good at duty, discipline and determination, but that wasn’t it. God now directs me, equips me, and motivates me to help others. He is healing me with His power and grace. This delves deep. My vision is to help others to be closer to God and become what they’re intended to be with God.”
Jeff Chang:
“I now seek God’s presence. I am in His operating system not mine. I desire to follow Him. Each day it is a conscious effort to walk with Jesus. I am a Kingdom citizen. 15 years ago I asked, “What would it look like to be completely sold out to Jesus, to live with undivided devotion?” HT is a roadmap that helps me assess where I am today, gives me a baseline, a partnership process with God. It’s not Jeff doing it, it’s a systematic process that gives you a laboratory to exercise what you are learning.”
Adam Deets:
“During the 3 day fast, God showed me things I didn’t know were there, not big ones, but things that keep me from more intimate relationship with Him. I had pent up resentment and anger. The relationships in my group grew deeper, it was O.K. not to have it all together. I could share how I was really doing. We are on a pilgrimage together and it will continue. We are honest about our walk. I saw things about being closer to God and to other people.”
Jacquelyn Carlson:
“I was looking for peace and calmness. God and I worked through these issues together. Every day, I go to Him. I know He will help me. The greatest affect has been on my family. I talk through things, including God. It is a daily challenge, an enjoyable relationship. My heart is always being changed. God has put a desire in me for Kingdom building, touching people’s lives around me. My ultimate goal is His Kingdom.”
Mickie Stover:
“I have been in bible studies for 30 years. HT has taken head knowledge to heart knowledge. I let go of bitterness and learned to love others at a whole new level, loving my neighbor beyond what I can do on my own. The greatest influence of HT has been the healing of bitterness. My marriage is better, I value relationship. Every morning I wake up praising Jesus. I am in the offering plate asking Jesus to control my every action whether it’s work or a phone call. Every action, every statement is His.”
Lisa Thompson:
“HT has dealt with my bitterness, self-centeredness and pride. I am learning to love with all by the power of God in my life. I am daily praising, loving, thinking of Jesus. There is an urgency to bring many people to know Him intimately.”
JoAnna Peebles:
“It’s more than learning about God, it’s becoming one with Him. He is my Savior and the lover of my soul. It’s a process, a life-long journey of being one with the Lord, having an undivided heart, having the Spirit poured into me. He has healed my heart. I am free to take in more love and give more love. Our marriage has blossomed. I am free to love and overflow with Him. I am to focus on what He has given me now, be in Him, with Him, walking hand in hand. I look forward to what He has for me, to His timing in my life.”