Freedom for the individual by the 1,000’s
People are positioned to receive all of God’s blessings and more of His favor, including divine intervention for His glory.
HT illuminates the freedom to live as God originally created us: having the right to enjoy Him & His privileges.
free of the entanglement of sin
free of wrong loves that have ensnared their lives
free of legalism & religiosity in their lives
Hearts are healed and liberty is released.
Through the Spirit of Christ: thousands upon thousands in a culture, set free to live as God designed & empowered them to live – His purposes for them, fulfilled.
HT’S DIFFERENTIATOR: Heart Transformation Training Materials foster authentic transformation of the heart.
The Training Material Package is focused on transformation in partnership with the Holy Spirit. Authentic Transformation goes from individual/pastor church community.
- Materials help the individual to discover & deal with the barriers they have in their lives that keep them from experiencing the full Presence of God.
- HT helps to identify and incorporate the fullness of the Spirit in and through one’s life so that one not only sees their life changed, but also the world observes the same.
- HT provides the means to remain “in the Lord” and operate “with His authority” every day.
- HT Illustrations help participants gain deeper understanding of life changing principles.
- The Questions are designed to open individual’s hearts & lead participants to transformation and freedom.
- The Leader Development Series enables volunteers to guide & reproduce the same enthusiasm & transformation in others that they have experienced.
- The Series is designed to multiply individual growth and the growth of others.
HT’S ENABLER: What enables Heart Transformation’s success?
- Utilizing volunteers, we ascertain more pure motives within the participants because they are not participating for personal gain.
- We train volunteers a reproduceable model in which they personally grow and then train others in that natural growth.
- We format around Training Centers: 5-10 Pastor/Leaders from local churches; meeting, encouraging & fostering a breakout of the Holy Spirit within each of them & their Churches. Other non-pastors are also participating.
- The attending Pastor/Members become Saturated with the Presence of God.
- Training Centers meet twice per month to train and personally experience Freedom in Christ by the Spirit.
- Individuals are encouraged & held accountable to do the assigned Bible Study & apply these Leadership principles daily in their lives in preparation for each meeting.
- A Training Center may have from 8-100 individuals, but when they meet, they will divide up into groups of 8 to discuss that which they have prepared.
- They pray for one another for personal transformation.
- 5 Training Centers are defined as an Area. 5 Areas are defined as a District. 5 Districts are defined as a Region in a country.
- There is a Country Coordinator & Regional Director & a Continent Director.
- These levels help us to reproduce & multiply our volunteers.
- No one within this Network, including the Founders, receive any personal income.
- This Reproductive Model of Volunteers with the HT Materials enables HT to foster freedom in individuals & churches, by the thousands.