Heart Transformation was founded because we did not see transformation taking place in ours & others’ lives. Behavior change, posing as though they were living it; doing & saying right things, having the right words but without authentically living it – this seems to be acceptable in the current Christian Church! Contrastingly: Heart Transformation is focused on the heart of the person – the driving force in everyday action, not just the mind & what it acknowledges as truth; because this “heart issue” is God’s directive. God speaks of the “heart” more than 750 times in scripture.
Psalm 24:3,4
“Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.”
Matt. 5:8
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”
When a heart is transformed by God, it changes the whole world: for the individual and for everyone around them. It changes their world view, their commitment, and what they love.
We have ministered Heart Transformation since 2004 & have touched 55 countries. We are blessed & pleased to have been used by God and for the fruit that it bore. God has given us a better way: working with 1 country & 2 communities within that country; in order to bring focus & encouragement to those hungry hearts who have chosen God’s plan—more people are involved in a more concentrated area! Today, we are using the same & expanded materials, but the fruit has greatly multiplied. Other countries are hearing the testimonies & are therefore crying out for God’s transformation to come to their country…the opportunities are growing!
We have been working closely with a Ghanaian pastor, since 2016. Pastor Dusu has become our African Director; at this point he has been doing this work without any compensation. He continues to pastor his congregation from afar, while leading the full time ground effort for Heart Transformation.
What needs transforming in Africa?
Ghana is a Christian nation, but the churches & pastors have fallen away from God’s plan. There is too much legalism, which has moved to religiosity. The culture is full of corruption while the economy is weak because of high unemployment. Even the pastors are caught up in co-habitation and divorce. Heart Transformation has challenged them that they can no longer live this way & be in the will of God and expect to receive further blessings from God. Their response has been a radical turn to God! They are experiencing God like they have never experienced Him before. They are repairing their lives from wrong decisions & weak faith. Praise God – He is moving! The people are hungry for all God has for them in their lives. Thank You Lord!!
As a result of the fruit being born in Ghana, we have had opportunity to expand into Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, and South Africa! God keeps opening doors and by faith, we walk through them.
We have grown by 200%, each year. We now have 70 Branches (including 10 churches in each Branch, with 50 people in each church.) To be clear: 700 churches are involved; representing 35,000 individual souls! It is easy to believe that by the blessings of God & resources available to serve them; the growth will be far greater than 200% over the next year!
We are seeing a mighty work of the Holy Spirit!
The countries that we have added are a result of leaders coming to Ghana; and asking to be transformed, developed & trained. We are doing no marketing or advertising…but these countries are coming by invitation from God!!