Keith & Karen Peterson have been deeply involved in church leadership and the pursuit of Christian living for many decades. Twenty+ years ago, they realized that they were not doing the things Jesus did (John14:12): they weren’t overflowowing with love, joy, hope, thanksgiving and God’s power. They asked the bold question: “Is this all there is; must it be this way? Why are our lives not exhibiting the life promised by Jesus?”
It was at that point that the Lord revealed the need for them to love Him with all their hearts. They began doing studies and God revealed a process for learning to love Him wholeheartedly, step by step.
It took five years for the process to be formulated and another three years to renew it. Small groups began to use their study, churches became involved, and even businesses witnessed unusual transformation take place among their employees, as they grew in Christlikeness.
This process has personally given Keith and Karen the deepest, most intimate relationship they have ever had with the Lord. They have experienced an overflowing of God’s presence that is unquenchable, greater than any other time in their lives. They have seen the power of God work dramatically in cleaning up sin patterns and fullfilling God’s plan for them. They now view life as a daily adventure, seeing how God leads and intervenes according to his good pleasure. This process of whole-hearted devotion is continually growing in them.